Logo Ca'rion

Also a pleasure, from the first contact with Marianna and Nedim! I felt very involved in the construction process of this tenor Hiltz, following it step by step even if from a distance.
It was a privilege being part of the important research they are doing on festooned viols of Nurnberg.
The finished instrument is a little masterpiece, technically perfect, easy to play and, most of all, with a sound that enchants all.

Bettina Hoffmann

Here comes a young married couple of viol makers with a sound background and many strings to their bows. Are you fancing that special, elusive instrument for your early music project? They’ll listen to you and make your dream come true. Warmly recommended.

Oreste De Tommaso

You’ve outdone yourself!
We compared the sound of both the original Bertrand and your copy and the similarities are astounding!

Gian-Andri Cuonz

I feel very honored to now play this instrument. It is a masterpiece! 
Thank you, my life is now richer.

Thomas Dombrowski